Martha's work has been published by Pioneer Drama Service, Smith & Kraus, Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, Finishing Line Press (fiction), Silver Birch Press (essay), the Sheepshead Review journal of arts & literature at the University of Wisconsin (essay), Pointed Circle magazine (poetry), the International Centre for Women Playwrights, Original Works Publishing, and others.

SMALL ACTS OF MAGIC, 27 Short Stories
ISBN-13: 978-1646626069
"A glowing and enticing little book! Marvelous stories by a gifted writer whose work I've read with fascination since she was my student more than 50 years ago."
-Jonathan Kozol, National Book Award winner and author of Rachel and Her Children and Amazing Grace.
"Martha Patterson is an incredibly talented, prolific and imaginative writer with an awe-inspiring range of stories to tell. As a fellow-writer, I am fascinated, and oftentimes even awe-struck, by Martha's ability to create characters who we immediately "get". She then takes us on their journeys... journeys that captivate us throughout the entire ride. Her wit, sensitivity and humanity shine through on every page. There is a certain M. Patterson signature built into each work whether it is a comedy, a drama, a mystery or a farce. I am never disappointed, and I am usually terribly envious of the talent of this astonishing creator."
-Donald Loftus, Playwright, Dress Blues and The Wayland Nocturne
"Martha Patterson's characters are tender and lonely, her writing is succinct and moving."
-Evan Guilford-Blake, Author of the novels Animation and The Bluebird Prince, and the story collection American Blues

Later Chapters:The Best Monologues and Scenes for Actors Over Fifty
ISBN: 978-1-4950-7247-5
(Applause Acting Series). In this anthology of diverse monologues and scenes, mature actors will find material by a wide-range of playwrights and their best work. Marriage, sex, work, the changes in a maturing body, memories, and loss of memory, among other themes that reflect the life experiences of middle age and aging are presented for the benefit of actors who are over fifty, as well as younger actors seeking to expand their range. Never before compiled in a single volume, these moving and unusual pieces will serve as a valuable reference and ever-inspiring source of material.

Full-length play script. Present-day. This is a full-length comedy about Sophia, a young, struggling American actress who is shacking up with Nick, an aging, semi-retired English rock star in London. With booze flowing freely, their talk ranges from Shakespeare to interracial marriages, snooty shopkeepers, and Sophia's career as an actress. Impatient with Sophia, Nick sends her packing. When they meet five years later in New York, Sophia is now a successful but troubled film star. Will they connect this time, or will their conversation revolve mostly around Nick's obsession with losing his current maid? 3 men / 2 women in the cast.

ISBN 978-1495011771
(Applause Acting Series). Inside these pages, aspiring young performers will find 75 challenging monologues just right for kids. All of the pieces are about subjects appropriate for production in schools much of it "serious and challenging" which will interest child performers without offending administrators, teachers, or parents. Some are comical, some are dramatic, and some are seriocomic (a little bit of both). Most of the monologues are from plays, and some are original pieces written especially for this book. Despite the listed age of each character, these monologue can all be performed by kids of any age. The collection features wonderful monologues by some of our finest playwrights, such as Don Nigro, Cassandra Lewis, Reina Hardy, Kayla Cagan, Jenny Lyn Bader, Eric Coble, Glenn Alterman, Constance Congdon, and Barbara Dana. It also highlights exciting up-and-comers, such as Sharon Goldner, Gabriel David, Deanna Alisa Ableser, Martha Patterson, Daniel Guyton, David Eliet, Connie Schindewolf, Mark Lambeck, and Phoebe Farmer.

ISBN 978-0692427064
A Collection of poetry and prose inspired by The Great Gatsby from 80 established and up-and-coming authors: Katie Aliferis, E. Kristin Anderson, M. Ivana Trevisani Bach, Johannes S.H. Bjerg, Julie E. Bloemeke, Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier, Ed Bremson, Tanya Bryan, Ana Maria Caballero, Sam Cha, Jan Chronister, Maryann Corbett, Anthony Costello, Tasha Cotter, Helen Dallas, Tracy Davidson, Susan de Sola, Andrea Janelle Dickens, Michelle Donfrio , Jennifer Finstrom, Ashley Ford, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Shivapriya Ganapathy, Marielle Gauthier, Trina Gaynon, Gary Glauber, Douglas Goetsch, Lois Marie Harrod, Senna Heyatawin, Joanie Hieger Fritz Zosike, Shawn P. Hosking, Veronica Hosking, Mathias Jansson, Jen Cullerton Johnson, David M. Katz, Becca Klaver, Laurie Kolp, Linda Kraus, Jean L. Kreiling, Kathryn Kulpa, David W. Landrum, Samantha LeVan, Stefanie Lipsey, Caolan Madden, Shahé Mankerian, Marjorie Manwaring, John McCarthy, Catfish McDaris, George McKim, Sarah Fawn Montgomery, Christina Murphy, Leslie Nichols, Lewis Oakwood, Alysson B. Parker, Martha Patterson, James Penha, David S. Pointer, Christina M. Rau, Suzanne Rawlinson, Patrick T. Reardon, Marybeth Rua-Larsen, Shloka Shankar, Sheikha A., Edward W.L. Smith, Matthew Oldham Smith, Sherry Steiner, Christine Stroud, Marianne Titiriga, Sally Toner, Lee Upton, Sylvia Riojas Vaughn, Melanie Villines, Rachel Voss, Alan Walowitz, Amy Schreibman Walter, Susannah White, Lin Whitehouse, Neal Whitman, Scott Wiggerman, Matthew Wilson, Theodora Ziolkowski.

222 More Comedy Monologues, edited by Irene Ziegler & John Capecci.
ISBN-10: 1575259117
ISBN-13: 978-1575259116
The Funniest, Hottest Monologues available! From writers as varied as Anton Chekhov, Will Eno, Reina Hardy, David Rakoff, Mark Twain and Lauren Gunderson. You'll find shades of comedy from light to dark, situational humor, word play, absurdity, surrealism, and first-rate character work by some very funny writers. It's all here!

The Best Scenes for Kids Ages 7-15 (Applause Acting)
(Applause Acting Series). The Best Scenes for Kids Ages 7-15 contains 50 challenging scenes for kids by some of our finest playwrights. All have subject matter appropriate for production in schools, much of it "serious" and "challenging," which will interest child performers without offending administrators, teachers or parents. Some are comic (laughs), some are dramatic (no laughs), some are seriocomic (some laughs). There are scenes here by veteran playwrights such as Don Nigro, Jenny Lyn Bader, Eric Coble, Constance Congdon, Arleen Hutton, Jack Neary, Kermit Frazier and Carlos Murillo, and by exciting up-and-comers such as Cassandra Lewis, Reina Hardy, Deanna Alisa Ableser, Martha Patterson, Mark Lambeck and Merridith Allen. Some are from plays, but many are original pieces written for this book. The age of each character is given, but don't let that deter you if you like the scene, as many could be done by kids not that age.
Edited by Lawrence Harbison
ISBN-10: 1495011798
ISBN-13: 978-1495011795

Audition Monologues for Young Men: Selections from Contemporary Works Paperback – July 1, 2016
by Gerald Lee Ratliff (Author, Editor), Patrick Rainville Dorn (Author, Editor)
This compelling collection of 70 monologues for young men approximately 15 to 30 years old includes a complete chapter that details how to choose a monologue, develop the character, and audition with confidence. With a variety of contemporary sources including both published plays and original works, this book provides selections that will help capture the minds and hearts of directors. Each monologue is prefaced by a description of the character and his emotional context, as well as hints on how to effectively portray the mood of the piece. The characters are diverse in age, background, ethnicity, and social status. The book is organized into unique categories based on the content of the monologues: A Lighter Touch, Guilt and Regret, Tragedy and Trauma, Hope and Gratitude, Outsiders, Birds of a Feather, and Literary and Period. With excerpts of various lengths that are ideal for auditions, contests, workshops, and acting classes, this anthology belongs in every school and theatre library.
ISBN-10: 1566082080
ISBN-13: 978-1566082082

Publisher: Smith & Kraus; 1 edition (January 20, 2018)
ISBN-10: 157525915X
ISBN-13: 978-1575259154
In this volume you will find fifty terrific new ten-minute plays all successfully produced during the 2016-2017 theatrical season. They are written in a variety of styles. Some are realistic plays, some are not, some comic, some are dramatic. Included is a comprehensive list of theatres which do ten-minute plays. Plays for two actors include: Alexander and the Yellow Rotary Phone (Ablesser), Another Day (Arsenault), Asking for it (MacCallum),Blue Tent (DiIorio), Consipiracy of Love (Kaplan), Ditmas (Alterman), Dr. Darling (Hanson), The Faint Taste of Cat Food and Sour Milk (Ehrlich), Front from Juneau (Howes), Gothic (Campbell), Husbandry (Nigro), The Last Night (Kaplan), Mickey Cares (McCullough), No Love, Please (Smith), Once in a Blue Moon (Cotton), The Pain Inside (Jerome), Palooka (Barnett), Room 313 (Crim), Rules of Comedy (Cotter), Six Billion Architects (Andrew), Sold! (Hoke), TA (Patterson), A Tale of Two in One (Bachleda), The Tango (Heilveil), You Again (Buckman). Plays for three or more actors include: Baby Gay (Mattingly), Bride of Godzilla (Racelis), Brine Shrimp Gangsters ( Stubbles), Carla (Bobek), Catatonic (Roberts), Coffee Break (Solmon), Cram School, Snow Days (Hardy), The Cut of Memory (Strauss), Don't Bleed on Me (Rassler), Evolution (Floyd), First Day In Trade (O'Grady), I Don't Know (McLindon), I Just Love that Keith Urban (Frost), I'm Only Sleeping(Polak), Just Like Them (Widney), Just Say it Three Times (Moughon), Lament (Plaza), The Mime Crime (Yukich), Non-Refundable (Ehrlich), Our Ten (Levine), Pop Star (MacGregor), Speed Mating (Guaspari), Tight Curls Today (Barclay), Trudy, Carolyn, Martha, and Regina Travel to Outer Space and have a Pretty Terrible Time There (Kennedy), Your Life Choices (Macdonald)

Publisher: Smith & Kraus; 1 edition (January 20, 2018
ISBN-10: 1575259133
ISBN-13: 978-1575259130
Here you will find a rich and varied selection of monologues for men from plays which were produced and/or published in the 2016-2017 theatrical season. Most are for younger performers (teens through 30s)but there are also some excellent pieces for older actors as well. Some are comic, some are dramatic. Some are short, some are long. All represent the best in contemporary playwriting. monologues from Kenny Finkle, Jacqueline Goldfinger, Sheila Callaghan, Nicole Pandolfo, Barbara Blumenthal-Ehrlich, Alexandra Gersten-Vassiliaros, June Guralnik, Beau Willimon, Philip Dawkins, Evan Linder, Christopher Chen, Andrea Lepcio, Andrew Biss, CS Hanson, Halley Feiffer, Jennifer O'Grady, C. Denby Swanson, Don Nigro, Adam Kraar, Lisa Soland, A. Ray Pamatmat, Gino DiIorio, Marisa Wegrzyn, Vincent Delaney, Patrick Gabridge, Aaron Posner, Martha Patterson, Michael Elyanow, George Brant, Carlos Murillo, Carey Crim, John MacNicholas, Laura Rohrman, Jamie Pachino, Lee Blessing, Carolyn Gage, Alan Smith, Stephen Beiber, Michele Elliott, Michael Tooher, Kim Davies, Graham Techler, Mark Andrew, Macee Binns, Frank Winters, Dan Hirsch, Patricia Cotter, Susan Jackson, Yussef El Guindi, Elayne Heilveil, Steven Dietz, Sam Bobrick, Darren Canady, Laurence Carr, Gregory Strasser, Brad Neveu, Theresa Rebeck and Johnna Adams.